“Keep Exploring” is now in Print
Yes, A book in print
December 24, 2021, Roos Schuring, one of my favorite painters and teachers unveiled her new course. “Book making A-Z” was created, to follow with her guidance, in 7 weeks, you can finish a book. One never can fully understand the scope of a project until both feet jump in. Giving this a try with lots of uncertainty within my own confidence level.
A collection of paintings all in one place!
Sample of a page out of the new book.
It Starts January 15th, 2022
Walking into the darkness of another new project. Roos is from the Netherlands with a class made up from people all across US, Europe and one artist from Russia. The task at first was daunting, make a collection of all art that you feel is relevant to the project. Deadlines every Saturday on Zoom unveiling what was or was not completed. Realizing that the same questions came up for everyone involved. What kind of book, how many pages, what size? Being now the artist, photographer, photo editor, graphic designer, how many hats can one wear? Each step the mind went into chatter, “you don’t have to do this!” OK, we got through the first few challenges lets keep going…….
Roos was correct, by March 12th she held our last Zoom call with champagne and book covers in hand. Deadlines made the difference in completing this project. The scary moment was pressing the button to send the file for printing. In previous work projects, I knew that color correction from digital to print is tricky. Once the box arrived in the mail one has to face the test. The first book came as a proof, with corrections in place, back went the file for another round of printing.
One of two indexed pages of all the paintings
The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom to which we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within.
Mahatma Gandhi
In the video, you can see a quick physical sample.(If link is not in this file you can find it in the journal section of the website) The hardbound book is 8”x10” format including 70 pages. The “Keep Exploring” title was given as each painting is an exploration of what is seen or what is thought. In the end, the meditation of quieting the mind and allowing the eyes and hands to work mixing, applying and changing paint colors to replicate what is seen. It takes many paintings scraped and started over before the keepers are selected. This process continues to be fresh and challenging with each new art piece. If you are interested in more information you can find it on the website. Barbarahann.com